BALTNET, Baltic - New England Development Network


Celebration of Lithuanian Independence

Sunday – Feb 20th, 2022

 Holy Trinity Church,

53 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT

10:00 – 12:00 p.m.


Part I. - The significance of Independence Declaration in 1918th - Friendship Hall

10:00 -11:10 AM

  • A brief History – presentation by Dr. D. Giedrimiene & Mr. P. Nenortas
  • Declaration of Lithuanian Independence. Mr. L. Balsys
  • Guests:

Mr. Valdis Vinkels (Latvia representative)

Dr. Jaak Rakfeldt (Estonia representative) 

Part II. - Musical Program - in Church Hall

11:15 -12:00 AM

Performed by Lithuanian opera singer Ms. Jurate Svedaite- Waller


 Renginio dalyviai

 Po koncerto


Koncerto klausytojai


Lithuania Consul General Vaclovas Šalkauskas Jurate Svedaite-Waller





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